Last week I walked over 60 miles, most of which around my kitchen! Why would I do that? Because I am a sucker for a good competition and it motivated me to get moving...which in a lock down is a really good thing.
Around day three of my walking challenge I began to zone out as I listened to music lapping my kitchen. And that is when the magic really started to happen. I slipped into a creative zone and along with a feeling of peace and comfort I was hit by inspiration.
As a business owner and entrepreneur in these uncertain times it is easy for my sense of possibility to shut down. With so much unknown it can feel hard to imagine any other way of being. But creative thinking is essential for business owners. It's why and how we began our business's in the first place, and it is one of the main ingredients that keeps us excited and driven enough to keep getting up and showing up in our business.
If we don't nurture and ignite our creative juices, then moving back into a new way of doing business is going to be very difficult, if not impossible.
Yet so often we undervalue and ignore the need to keep our creative juices alive.
As I was walking around my kitchen, accidentally igniting my creativity my eyes landed on a book on my book shelf. Walking in This World by Julia Cameron. I instantly knew that it was time to dive back into the creative prompts, daily writing and artists dates.
If you are looking for a little creative nudge I highly recommend the book to you too. Read a short chapter each week and enjoy the little creative nudges and then be open to allowing your creativity to show up in unexpected ways as you go about your week.
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